The Power of Fluoride: Benefits, Usage, and Post-Treatment Tips

Whether in your toothpaste, your water, or in a treatment at your dentist’s office, fluoride is a critical component of modern dentistry. Consistent use of fluoride can help preserve the long-term health of your natural teeth.

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that is most often used to prevent tooth decay. Over time, your teeth lose integral minerals as a result of age, use, and diet. This can cause sensitivity and increase your chances of cavities.

Fluoride helps add minerals back into your teeth, restoring enamel to prevent and sometimes reverse the effects of tooth decay.

Uses of Fluoride

Because of its efficacy in preventing and reversing tooth decay, fluoride is commonly found in at-home dental care products like toothpaste and mouthwash. 

Your dentist also has access to stronger fluoride treatments, which are usually applied to your teeth during an appointment via a special gel, foam, or varnish.

Many communities in the US also add trace amounts of fluoride to drinking water, which contributes to the overall oral health and wellbeing of the population.

Is Fluoride Bad for You?

Fluoride has been safely used in dental care for decades. Like many things, fluoride has the potential to be toxic when ingested in large amounts. However, in the proportions used commonly in toothpaste, mouthwash, drinking water, and dental treatments, fluoride is perfectly safe.

In recent years, there has been a movement to stop using fluoridated products due to misinformation about their toxicity. However, when you stop using toothpaste with fluoride, you’re losing a valuable source of remineralization for your teeth and, as a result, could experience more sensitivity, more frequent cavities, and accelerated tooth decay.

Benefits of Fluoride Treatment

The fluoride treatments available at your dentist’s office contain a more concentrated amount of fluoride. That means you get greater benefits in a shorter amount of time! Some of the specific benefits of fluoride treatment include:

  • Stronger teeth
  • Less sensitive teeth
  • Less plaque and bacteria in the mouth
  • Slower demineralization
  • Early stages of tooth decay reversed

If you have removable dentures or implants, regular fluoride treatments are still important to preserve your remaining natural teeth.

Dental implants are generally placed under your gums and are not really impacted by regular fluoride treatments, so don’t worry about damaging them. 

If you have your natural teeth as well as implants, your dentist may still recommend a mouthwash with fluoride to help remove bacteria in the mouth. Less bacteria means healthier gums, which can increase comfort long-term.

Post-Fluoride Treatment Care

Your dentist will apply a fluoride treatment via gel, foam, or varnish, and you’ll need to leave it in contact with your teeth for some time in order to get the full benefits. The total amount of time depends on the brand and type of fluoride treatment, but most require at least a 30 minute waiting period before eating or drinking.

After 30 minutes, the treatment will be sealed to your teeth and can withstand normal eating and drinking. However, for maximum efficacy, you should wait at least four hours before brushing or flossing your teeth to avoid removing the treatment.

What Can You Eat After a Fluoride Treatment?

After the 30 minute waiting period has elapsed, you’re free to eat and drink whatever is comfortable for you after a fluoride treatment! Some people experience some sensitivity after a treatment, so you may want to avoid very hot, very cold, and acidic foods for an hour or until your sensitivity returns to normal. However, if you can tolerate it, you’re free to have a cup of coffee as soon as 30 minutes after your fluoride treatment.

If you’re experiencing sensitivity after a fluoride treatment, you can try soft foods like hard boiled eggs, applesauce, and yogurt until you are feeling comfortable again.

Save Money on Dental Care with Affordable Dentures & Implants

Fluoride is a critical component of strong and healthy teeth. Regular fluoride treatments help create long-lasting benefits that fluoridated products like toothpaste and mouthwash can maintain.

Whether you’re looking to restore your smile or maintain the one you love, schedule a free consultation for fluoride treatment and other dental services today. 

Your local practice offers multiple ways to pay — including with and without insurance — so reach out to learn about your options.

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